Sunday, October 4, 2015

100 Quilts for Kids

This year I decided that I really wanted to put a dent in my WIPs, and what better way than to start with quilts that could go towards a good cause.  (As the original intent/purpose behind any of these quilts has long been forgotten!)  I had seen 100 Quilts for Kids when it was hosted by Katie Blakesly of Swim Bike Quilt, and was pleased to come across the IG post by Quilts in the Queue, who was again hosting it.  I got right to work and finished two quilts!!

This is from the Supernova Friendship Swap (block by Freshly Pieced) that my partner and I decided not to finish!!  I kind of wish we had - it looks great!

This is the second quilt I ever started.  I quilted half of it and then quit.  

My mom made this one with fabric donated by the Tampa Modern Quilt Guild - lots of random novelty charms!!  She was worried it was a wonky size but kids don't care!!

Of course my assistant had a little too much fun holding the quilts!

The Supernova Quilt is heading to The Florida Baptist Children's home, a local group home in Lakeland, and my mom's and the economy block are going to Project Linus via our LQS, which is a collection site!

Take care and Happy Sewing!
 - Em

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Nerds Do Craft It Better!

I recently went through a phase where I signed up for every swap available on IG.  One of the swaps I signed up for was "Nerds Craft if Better" hosted by @jrshules.  My husband is an ultra-nerd, so I thought that perhaps if I put his nerdoms into the Google survey I would receive something wonderful and creative to put in his office area.  I had the pleasure of making something for @ellenlamb, who made a great mosaic and gave me tons of inspiration!!  I decided to try something new for me - letters!!

I was inspired by Blossom Hearts Quilts Easy ABC QAL and drew my letters out on graph paper, than did some research into my partner's nerdoms and found a symbol that represented each one of her favorites.  I also used my brain and quilted the mini before doing the applique - so glad I remembered to do this this time!!
I choose to do some stylilzed echo quilting in the letters so each one is different!  I really like how this turned out - even though I usually don't use text in my quilts, I may have to make one with some of my favorite phrases!
Do any of you uber nerds recognize the game I used as a background for the quilt?   It's my husbands!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

April Finishes!

I've been super busy making bee blocks and swap items, so my products larger than 24" x 24" finished have been lacking, but with summer coming I'm looking forward to beginning and finishing some bigger projects!
Up first I have a baby quilt that I donated to project Linus.  I originally began this project last year for a former co-worker who was expecting.  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend her shower and she needed to have the gifts at the shower.  (Don't get me started.) So I shelved the quilt and purchased a Target gift card.  This year, my guild, The Tampa Modern Quilt Guild is doing this WIP contest - I'm not really sure about the specifics, but I finished this quilt, donated my fat quarter, and am hopefully in some kind of drawing!
Yes, my husband is wearing white shorts, a white shirt, and black socks in this picture.

My next finish is a sweet baby quilt for a co-worker. I used the intersection tutorial from Film in the Fridge.  When I asked for the colors of the nursery, she actually sent a picture of a quilt from either Target or Pottery Barn.  However, since I knew mine would be better I went ahead and made one anyway!
I don't know why my husband enjoys being the "Quilt Creeper" so much!  We've been super busy and haven't had time to do our forays into nature for good quilt pics lately, but I'm hopeful things will slow down after May is over!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Scrappy Snuggler Top Complete

Waaay back in January I joined up in the #sewmystash2015 movement.  I've bought an embarrassingly large amount of fabric in the past year, and really hadn't done any selfish sewing - mostly items for swaps and bees.  My husband was thrilled when I explained the whole "shop my stash" idea!  (He is actually very supportive of my habit but also pointed out that my fabric expedit is full.)  I also noticed quite a few people beginning a #scrappylogcabinqal, so I decided to try it - I'm not a huge fan of random scrappiness, and my personal definition of "scrappy" would be prints from the same line.  After all, 2015 is all about trying new things!  So I raided my scrap bin for blues and cut out a ton of 2" strips, sorted them by light and dark, and got busy!

(Don't you love my husband's black socks and Crocs??)
I'm just going to quilt it allover with a large stiple and then the scrappy snuggler will grace our den sofa!