Sunday, May 18, 2014

MQG Michalel Miller Challenge

This year I challenged myself to meet new  more  any quilty people.   I joined the Tampa Modern Quilt Guild and went by myself to my first meeting.  (This is a big deal for a super introvert such a moi.)   I joined in time to participate in the Michael Miller Challenge!  We received these fabrics from Michael Miller.

I added some solids.  (Check out that awesome hole in the blue one.  And I was standing there when they were cutting.  Ughhh.   And it wasn't at chain store, either.)

And drew my own design.  So now all I have to do is some serious quilty math and I am on my way to a year of free fabric!!
(Don't worry those aren't my fabric scissors)

1 comment:

  1. I hate when that happens! I bought a bunch of 1/8 yd strips at Joann's a while back, totally distracted by my kid trying to climb out of the cart, and got home to find the difference in widths ranged a whole 2 inches! I had more than enough of some, and way less than enough of others. Now I make sure I watch them and have once or twice leaned over and run my hand along the edge to make sure - they get annoyed, but c'mon! lol Also, I love your design - happy piecing : )
